Civil Aviation Authority, LASORS recommended
Complies with EASA-FCL and National PPL Training Syllabus. Illustrated in full colour.
This Volume 1, Flying Training is also designed to be used in conjunction with Air Presentations Pre-Flight Briefings. As a student you will find that this book gives you the background reading material (theory) to accompany your briefing.
For the instructor, this book will enhance the briefing material and the Guide for Instructors. Whether you rely on the spiral-bound paper form of Pre-Flight Briefings, or you use the overhead projector slides, or Powerpoint, the reading of the appropriate chapter before your lesson will facilitate the briefing process and assist your learning, accelerating your progress in the air.
Completing the quizzes will also assist you in your understanding, enabling you to pass your Ground School examinations with ease. The whole Integrated package is designed to be interactive, colourful and easy to use.
Subjects include: Flying Training Manoeuvres including Instrument Flying and Night Flying. Preflight Briefings and How to Fly the Manoeuvres. Airwork Summaries and Quick Quizzes. The Skill Test (EASA-PPL) and General Flight Test for NPPL Full-Colour, easy to read format.