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£234.00 inc VAT

Instructor Training – Teaching the Teacher (A) PowerPoint Pack


Training Package, covers the subject area required to teach the airplane EASA Flight Instructor Rating (Teaching and Learning). It is primarily for those Instructors who deliver lessons on the theory and strategy of Teaching.

  1. Teaching the Teacher PowerPoint CD ROM (49 slides) – EAA220
  2. Instructor’s Manual, 11 Chapters (62 pages, full-colour & spiral-bound) – BTC044
  3. *Master copy of Student Instructor’s Work Book (b/w, no text, loose-leaf) – AP011
  4. Flying Instructors Guide to Pre-Flight Briefing & Ground School (A) (spiral-bound) – AP023
  5. Pre-Flight Briefing (A) Instructor & Student Pilot’s Work Book (spiral-bound) – AP021
  6. Pre-Flight Briefing (A) PowerPoint CD ROM – NCD903

*The purchase price includes the right to photocopy the master copy of the student’s instructor’s work book with no text for distribution within the flying school.

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