With over 1000 questions in the Question Bank, we are confident it will fully prepare you to take your A320 Technical Exam or to stay current and revise the systems. Â Track your progress, see your exam success rate and increase your technical knowledge.
The A320 Type Rating Question bank is the number one technical exam preparation tool designed to get you up to speed with all elements of the A320 syllabus. See the question bank modules below in the description.
Aircraft General
Ice & Rain Protection
FMGS & Navigation
Fire Protection
Air Conditioning, Pressurisation & Ventilation
Landing Gear
Electronic Instrument System
Flight Controls
Oxygen & Emergency Equipment
Safety Equipment
Smoke Detection
With over 1000 questions on all aspects of the technical operation of the A320, this question bank is the number one preparation tool for your exam.
Airbus a320 Type Rating Question Bank. This is an online document only. Login details will be emailed to you within 1 working day.
Product Disclaimer: All information provided has been fact-checked but variants can be different depending on airline or training organisation so please check with your organisation’s manuals. Aviation Insider assumes no responsibility for your exam/test or interview result and this material should be used as an aid to your learning and preparation.
*Please allow 24-48 hours for access notification for this product.
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