D-120A 19,000
G-ATLV. A Wassmer built Jodel D-120 with O-200 engine. 4420 Hours but in regular use so this will rise. Permit until August 2024. New exhaust studs on two cylinders recently. New Kanadia Horis fitted. See https://www.kanardia.eu/product/horis/ Steerable/break out tailwheel. 110 litre tank and 550 lbs/250 kgs available lifting capacity. Cruises at about 90 knots. Located in Herefordshire. Engine hours =1613 (511 since top o/h)
Other kit includes:
Trig 8.33 radio with intercom
King transponder
Toe brakes (left side only)
Vacuum AI and DI
This aircraft has a fully steerable fin so directional control effectiveness is available to a very low speed. Coupled with the steerable tailwheel and differential brakes, this makes the aircraft a very controllable and benign tail dragger.
Some videos here:
Contact Steve on 07952965752 or underhill(eight) (four) (two) at gmail.com