1992 Kitfox mk3 with clipped wing modification.
LAA Permit to 19/05/2024.
Rotax 912UL overhauled and fitted in May 2012. 495 engine hours
755 airframe hours
MAUW 476kgs.
8.33khz radio plus Mode C Transponder.
Wing fold kit and additional trailer included.
Recent leather interior and seat belts.
New fuel lines fitted.
Two fuel tanks with a capacity of 60 litres using average 14L/ hr.
A great fun aircraft to fly with good STOL performance, selling due to owning two other aircraft with another one on the way. Please note this is not a beginners aircraft, I'm more than happy to give a perspective buyer a test flight, but tailwheel experience is essential.
Located in Kent.
Contact Alex, call or message. 07816039866