Midget Mustang MM-1 £35,000
Midget Mustang G-IIHX For Sale
- Airframe Total Time: 320hrs
- LAA Permit to Fly: Expires 9 March 2025
- Engine: Continental O-200A
- Engine Total Time: 129 hrs SMOH
- Propeller: Prince Carbon P-Tip 58"x70"
- Regrettably selling my Midget Mustang due to moving overseas for work. This aircraft was originally built in 1974 in the USA before being imported to the UK in the late 2000s.
- I bought it in non-flying condition in 2012 and it underwent a rebuild. All controls, wings, tail, engine, undercarriage all removed and reconditioned. Engine was zero timed in the USA prior to import (invoices and yellow tags included) and has been inspected prior to issue of initial PTF. Engine fitted with B&C lightweight alternator, LAA Spin On Oil Filter mod, Slick magnetos.
- Prince Prop was brand new in 2013 and has flown just over 100 hours (approx. 10hrs / year).
- During rebuild the main bulkhead that carries the main spar through the fuselage was replaced and strengthened as were the two rear most bulkheads. All of these are common points of cracking on many Midget Mustangs. This one is stronger than new! New canopy and recessed seat back (more leg room) also fitted during rebuild.
- This aeroplane was built as originally intended by the designer. It's very light, simple and easy to maintain. 620 lb empty weight. 1000lb MTOW.
- Analogue gauges with KANARDIA HORIS EFIS.
- Trig 8.33kHz VHF radio and Trig Mode S ADSB compatible transponder.
- 75% Cruise at 140-150 KTS.
- Always hangared.
- Currently based at MOD Boscombe Down.
Contact Information
07956 558102