Quantum 15- 912 £8500.00
Pegasus Quantum 15 -912
MTOW 409kg
Due to less time for flying ---house projects
Selling " She Glitters " G- OAMF .
Excellent condition - permit to 23-6-2023
Engine hrs- 1023 .
Wing - New sail cloth fitted - 877.51 hrs, P&M Aviation
Wing Strip inspection and rebuild - 962.36 hrs, Pennine Flexwing Services .
Hands off 65 mph
Yearly oil change and filter
Coolant change
Nik-Wax wing yearly
Lynx interface
Analogue dials + Flydat
Landing Light and strobe
Trike cover - prop covers - wing and batten bags + panniers
Comprehensive paper work including Manuals
Fully rigged and hangered
A New Permit Issued and check flight by Inspector when sold .
Enquires to Chris 07500 600336