QuikR £27,000
This 2015 QuikR 912S was purchased as one of two with the distinctive Union Jack wing for use at the World Air Games in Dubai, where the UK team swept the board in the flexwing category. These two aircraft were unique in that they were given a special dispensation to conduct steep turns at up to 90 degrees instead of the usual 60.
The two flexwings were CIYZ and CIXZ – this advert is for CIYZ
The aircraft has 786 hours total and had a complete wing rebuild in March 2022, so another 3 years before a wing service. It has just passed its annual permit inspection (March 2023)
Over winter it has been subject to a comprehensive overhaul including:
Wheels re-powder coated
New wheel bearings on all three wheels
New brake pads for the rear discs
New tyres (Michelin S83) and correct tubes on all three wheels
New steering head bearings
New trim motor, potentiometer, spindle bearing and trim cords
New front Oil-lite bushes (for the trailing link suspension), together with correct replacement nuts bolts (including axle bolt).
The brakes are the later P&M hydraulic rear discs. In addition, there was a cable operated front drum originally fitted (for the spot landings) which has been removed, but supplied with the aircraft.
The instrument panel has been renovated and has panel mount TRIG radio and transponder. I fitted a new altimeter as well as a new static port, circuit breakers, switches and switch labels.
The wing has a new hang bolt and batten elastics.
100hr service completed 6 hours ago with new K&N air filters fitted. The Rotax 912S has stainless exhausts and factory fitted oil thermostat. SuperB lithium battery (also factory fit).
The wing has STARS and under wing vents. It has never had its wing tip fins fitted, but a set are supplied with the aircraft.
Includes landing light, pod cover, prop and visor covers - pod storage bag and de-rigging tool.
Hangared fully rigged at Shobdon
Contact Details 07976637735