Four person Jabiru microlight syndicate based in modern hangar at Membury. Tarmac runways for all year flying, with Shlott on-line booking system.
One of our number is selling up, so we are taking the opportunity to expand to six or so, to get a bit more use out of it.
Aircraft has 916hrs. Just permitted following expensive resetting of windscreen surround and weight/balance.
Usual basic kit
Icom IC-A220T 8.33 Panel Radio
Old Garmin Transponder (Charlie)
Tank lining restricts fuel to Avgas - usual Jab economy.
Current total cost are £400pm (£100pm at 4 members), including full insurance, hangarage, etc
Valuation is slightly complicated as the engine is an early 32mm carb model and will expire at 1,000hr.
However, two of us invested in a slightly later 40mm carb engine with 400hrs on the clock. Good to 2,000hrs.
Please call for more details
Contact Details 07585380084