Looking to reduce your flying costs?
Built in 2008 by Don Sargant, with new paint-work by Murray Flint, G-CFGH is a fine example of the more spacious two-seater updated Jabiru 160.
Using UL91 fuel: cruise is often better than 90Kts consuming an average of 12 litres/hr recorded over this last two flying years. Or using AVGAS if you prefer.
This aircraft has been well maintained throughout and recently inspected by the UK Jabiru agents Sky Craft.
Permit to Fly is renewed until March 2025.
Powered by the Jabiru 2200 (80bhp) engine with GT 151 VZR propeller.
MTOW 540Kg non part 21. Not classified as a microlight, with full flap stall at approx 46Kts.
Current hours: Engine: 677hrs. Airframe: 886hrs. This will change as the aircraft is fully operational subject to weather and local conditions.
MGL IEFIS Lite panel display, providing 4 cylinder indicators of CHT / EGT/ oil temps / pressures, RPM all the basics - other configurations available.
Garmin GTX328 Transponder
TQ Systems KRT2 VHF Transceiver with an updated Pilot Aware installation.
Aircraft hangered, located 12 miles south of Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.
£29,850 (No Vat)
07790 673 716
Email: figuresofeight88@gmail.com