RV8 £185000
UK registered (G-LEMI) Slow Build
Completed 2016
Hangered since new
Airframe: 257 hours since new (and counting).
MT 3 blade constant speed prop mtv-12-B/183-59B: (257 since new)
YIO-360-M1B Thunderbolt Fuel injected engine with Dual P-mags
James Cowlings
Skybolt cowling fixings
Carbon fibre plenum
GAMI injectors
Polished Aluminium Grove main Gear legs
Grove wheels and brakes
JD Air Complete tailwheel assembly with tail link
Lemke full leather interior including heated seats.
Mountain High Oxygen system
Full Night IFR prep with LED interior lighting
Andair fuel valve, boost pump and wing root filters
SteinAir anodised eyeball vents front and rear
Crow 5 point harnesses
2 x Garmin G3X
1 x Garmin GTN750
1x GTX330 transponder (driven by 750)
Icom a220 second Radio
Kanardia Horris 57 backup AHRS, ASI, Altimeter; Track, slip ball
57 mm Traffic monitor mated to Power Flarm Fusion traffic awareness with 3 fitted antennas
Stick mounted PTT, electric trim and speed limited flap actuator
Vertical Power (VPX)
TruTrak autopilot
Garmin heated pitot
OAT Probe
Lemo powered headset sockets
2 x canopy covers: all weather, heavy duty cover and Light weight hangar canopy cover
1 x full aircraft Tyvek flok lined covers
Full build log available by request on email
Andrew on 07831 882688
Contact Details andrew@europlanesales.com