Well advanced Wittman Tailwind W8 project for sale.
* Fuselage stripped to bare metal, inspected and protected with epoxy primer. Fuselage and control surfaces recovered and finished in Ultra marine blue. Wings and lift struts inspected and professionally refinished in white.
* New firewall, new floor, new heel plates. New glazing purchased all around. Main and front side glazing fitted, door and rear glazing cut and ready to fit. New seating and baggage area woodwork.
* O-200 engine – Zero hours since strip and inspection by Dukeries, zero hours since top end overhaul. Evra propellor, zero hours. New engine control cables – Throttle, mixture and carb heat. New carbon& Kevlar engine cowlings
* New Instrument panel, full instruments, 7 inch android tablet in custom mount. Central consoles with Garmin GNS 530 Nav Comm/IFR GPS with Garmin GI106 CDI, GarminGTX330. Talos EFIS system with Attitude, IAS, ALT, HDG, ROD, Temp and more.
* Conversion kit for electric flaps including motor, gear boxes and electronic flap controller.
* Rebuilt Matco brake master cylinders with new seals, springs and valves.
Many more photos available.
For sale as a complete project - £16,500
Contact Phil Hall
07876 029657