April 21, 2023
Views: 31
Id: 12735
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Zenair 601XL, G-CFKH, Lycoming engine and 7 inch GPS



Included in the sale is a 7 inch Garmin Aera 795 mounted on the central console (the aircraft has two sticks, not the Y shaped central stick on some Zenairs) … fly at 100mph at less than 20 litres/hour in comfort with no chance of getting lost (hopefully!).

First flew in 2010 with 310 hours to date, the Lycoming 0-235-L2C has 1970 hours. Fuel economy and performance is very good at less than 20 litres per hour (wing tanks capacity 92 L), cruising at around 100-110 mph at 2150 rpm. Climb rate is over 1000 ft/minute so KH is a capable aircraft for short grass strips. The engine is well maintained, the right hand magneto was serviced by Multiflight in August 2021 and a new bungee fitted to front suspension in April of this year.

Next Permit due on 6th October 2023. Always hangared.

The previous weight restriction has been removed by Mod 14484, a Zenair kit in accordance with 6-ZU-1 to 6-ZU-4 … this was completed in July 2017. Empty weight is 372Kg and MAUW is 560Kg.

The panel includes Alt, VSI, Airspeed indicator, turn co-ordinator plus engine instruments (tacho, oil press, oil temp). A Trig mode S transponder and a KRT2 radio intercom is fitted(PTT on both sticks). There are also electric flaps, electric primer, aileron trim and elevator trim. There are two 12 volt sockets, one for the Garmin included. The wing tip lights are colour/strobe/white, the port wing has a landing light & strobe and there is a white strobe under the fuselage.

The canopy is tinted and there is a Koger blind fitted.

Include in the sale is a cover (OK if birds and bats are your problem!) but not for outdoors use, three new tyres, tow bar, modified scissors jack.

I think I’ve included all the information you’d like to know, if you want to view the aircraft it’s at Lane Farm, which is on Skydemon but not on some aeronautical charts – it’s roughly 15 west of Shobdon. My mobile number is 07967 517834.

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