Blade 912, 2002 80hp high engine hours, checked compression is good and fires first time every time approx 600hrs on sail, Radio 8.33,Bluetooth ppt ,power interface ,pod covers,prop covers ,Trainer bars, bar mitts P&M sail wires fitted, as mandatory,2 off New ignition box’s fitted
Permitted from August 2022 flys very good and safe ,Trailer to go with it .
Reduced for sale £5000 no offers will put new permit on it
Phn.07854 302876 can test fly or fly it away, or Trailer any well worth a first time buy to train on and far better than a 2 stroke
Phn 07854 302876
2 off Integrated Helmet VOC by MICROAVIONICS negotiated if required
Contact Details 07854 302876