February 23, 2023
Views: 115
Id: 9653
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Share wanted in a 4 seater – preferably Gloucester or Kemble


I am recent PPL but with over 140 hours accumulated over many years. I also have some background in aircraft engineering.

I am looking for a share at either Gloucester or Kemble since I live roughly between the two (though will consider other locations not too far away).

I am able to put in a reasonable sum for the share. Since I plan to fly around 40 hours per year, I am looking for a share with an average hourly cost between £140 and £180 (wet and including monthlies, based on 40 hours per year).

I will continue to build my hours whilst I await the right share to come up. Since I am willing to wait for the right share, if you have one either now, or one likely to come up in 2023 or 2024, please let me know.


Contact Details 07787578172

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